Challenges To Leaving A Legacy

How would you define legacy?

The question was asked, “How would you define legacy”.

Some of the statements were:

What I am remembered for eternally.

The positive effect that I have on people that reflects Christ’s grace.

A strong family name.

Development of character traits that leaves with my family an example of a strong relationship with God.

Three components of life are the public, the private and what my family thinks. I want my legacy to be about what my family thinks.

Truth that I have discovered living beyond me.

Abraham’s legacy was not the sheep that he left his son but the example he left his son.

The Isaac moment, the moment in time when he was willing to sacrifice his son, was the war moment. There were other battles that led up to this moment but this was the defining battle. The defining moment of Abraham’s legacy was when he was willing to sacrifice his son. We too will have defining moments that will become our legacy.Abraham’s ancestors did different things than him but they still continued his legacy.

The challenges to passing on a legacy:

1.Time –not having enough time to do the essential because of being caught up in the urgent. “It is the hardest thing to live my legacy today.”

2.Different views from partner –what is important to me from my background may not be important to my partner.

3.Outside influences -my kids have so many negative persuasions that I have to compete with and many of them seem more relevant to them right now.

4.Feeling of inadequacy –I have made mistakes that will limit my influence.

5.Duplicity -I say one thing and do another.

A man’s apology is, “If I hurt you I am sorry.” This protects the ego while but actually is not experienced as an apology at all. It makes the recipient sorry for being hurt while giving the apologizer the feeling that I did my duty.

Fast from the thing that is keeping me off center to get me centered